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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Getting ESXi Network driver firmware details by using Script.

Find the script as follows.

$ExportFilePath = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\esxi.txt"
$PuttyUser = "root"
$PuttyPwd = "w2k8the$"
$HostNic = "vmnic0,vmnic1"
$Plink = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\plink.exe"
$PlinkOptions = " -v -batch -pw $PuttyPwd"
$RCommand = '"' + "ethtool -i " + $HostNic + '"'
$ESXHosts = Get-VMHost | where {$_.Model -match "ProLiant BL*"} | Sort Name
$Report = @()
ForEach ($ESXHost in $ESXHosts) {
        $Message = ""
        $HostInfo = {} | Select HostName,ESXVersion,Cluster,pNic,DriverName,DriverVersion,DriverFirmware
        $HostInfo.HostName = $ESXHost.Name
        $HostInfo.ESXVersion = $ESXHost.Version
        $HostInfo.Cluster = (Get-Cluster -VMHost $ESXHost.Name).Name
        $HostInfo.pNic = $HostNic
        Write-Host "Connecting to: " $ESXHost.Name -ForegroundColor Green
        $Command = $Plink + " " + $PlinkOptions + " " + $PuttyUser + "@" + $ESXHost.Name + " " + $rcommand
        $Message = Invoke-Expression -command $command
        $HostInfo.DriverName = ($Message[0] -split"driver:")[1]
        $HostInfo.DriverVersion = ($Message[1] -split"version:")[1]
        $HostInfo.DriverFirmware = ($Message[2] -split"firmware-version:")[1]
        $Report += $HostInfo

$Report = $Report | Sort-Object HostName
IF ($Report -ne "") {
$Report | Export-Csv $ExportFilePath -NoTypeInformation
Invoke-Item $ExportFilePath

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