This Blog is to share our knowledge and expertise on Linux System Administration and VMware Administration

Friday, February 26, 2016

Understand Processes in Linux

Friday, February 26, 2016 0

Understand Processes in Linux

Normal Process

Normal processes are those which have life span of a session. They are started during the session as foreground processes and end up in certain time span or when the session gets logged out. These processes have their owner as any of the valid user of the system, including root.

Orphan Process

Orphan processes are those which initially had a parent which created the process but after some time, the parent process unintentionally died or crashed, making init to be the parent of that process. Such processes have init as their immediate parent which waits on these processes until they die or end up.

Daemon Process

These are some intentionally orphaned processes, such processes which are intentionally left running on the system are termed as daemon or intentionally orphaned processes. They are usually long-running processes which are once initiated and then detached from any controlling terminal so that they can run in background till they do not get completed, or end up throwing an error. Parent of such processes intentionally dies making child execute in background.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Repeat a Linux Command Every X Seconds Forever

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0

Run Linux Command Every Second

In this Article, you will learn a simple scripting techniques to monitor or keep a eye on a particular command in continuously running state  for every 3 seconds by default.

1. Use watch Command

Watch is a Linux command that allows you to execute a command or program periodically and also shows you output on the screen. This means that you will be able to see the program output in time. By default watch re-runs the command/program every 2 seconds. The interval can be easily changed to meet your requirements.
Monitor Memory Usage

“Watch” is extremely easy to use, to test it, you can fire up a Linux terminal right away and type the following command:

# watch free -m

The above command will check your system free memory and update the results of the free command every two seconds.

Monitor Memory Usage in Linux

As seen per the above output, you have a header, displaying information about (from left to right) update interval, command that is being executed and current time. If you wish to hide this header, you can use the -t option.

The next logical question is – how to change the execution interval. For that purpose, you can use the -n option, that specifies the interval with which the command will be executed. This interval is specified in seconds. So let’s say you want to run your file every 10 seconds, you can do it like this:

# watch -n 10

Monitor Logged-In Users, Uptime and Load Average Let’s say you want to monitor logged-in users, server uptime and load average output in continuously phase every few seconds, then use following command as shown:

# watch uptime

Watch Linux Load Average

To exit the command, press CTRL+C.

Here, the 'uptime' command will run and display the updated results every 2 seconds by default.
Monitor Progress of Copy Command

In Linux, while copying files from one location to other using cp command, the progress of data is not shown, to see the progress of data being copied, you can use the watch command along with  du -s command to check disk usage in real time.

2. Use sleep Command

Sleep is often used to debug shell scripts, but it has many other useful purposes as well. For example, when combined with for or while loops, you can get pretty awesome results.

In case this is the first time you hear about the "sleep" command, it is used to delay something for a specified amount of time. In scripts, you can use it to tell your script to run command 1, wait for 10 seconds and then run command 2.

With the above loops, you can tell bash to run a command, sleep for N amount of seconds and then run the command again.

Below you can see examples of both loops:
for loop Example

# for i in {1..10}; do echo -n "This is a test in loop $i "; date ; sleep 5; done

The above one liner, will run the echo command  and display the current date, total of 5 times, with 5 seconds sleep between executions. Here is a sample output:

This is a test in loop 1 Wed Feb 17 20:49:47 EET 2015
This is a test in loop 2 Wed Feb 17 20:49:52 EET 2015
This is a test in loop 3 Wed Feb 17 20:49:57 EET 2015
This is a test in loop 4 Wed Feb 17 20:50:02 EET 2015

You can change the echo and date commands with your own commands or script and change the sleep interval per your needs.
while loop Example

# while true; do echo -n "This is a test of while loop";date ; sleep 5; done

Here is sample output:

This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:32 EET 2015
This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:37 EET 2015
This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:42 EET 2015
This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:47 EET 2015
This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:52 EET 2015
This is a test of while loopWed Feb 17 20:52:57 EET 2015

The above command will run until it is either killed or interrupted by user It can come in handy if you need to run a command running in the background and you don’t want to count on cron.

How to Install Skype 4.3 on Arch Linux

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0
Skype is a most popular VoIP – Voice over IP  for Linux.

Install Skype in Arch Linux

What brings new in this version of Skype for Linux:

  •     An enhanced User Interface.
  •     A New cloud-based Group Chat exposure.
  •     Improved support for file transfer using on multiple device the same time.
  •     Support for PulseAudio 3.0 and 4.0.
  •     ALSA sound system is no more supported without PulseAudio.
  •     Many bug fixes.
Install Skype 4.3 on Arch Linux

1.  Before installing Skype 4.3 on Arch Linux, assure that you have PulseAudio and all the required libraries installed on your system using the following commands.
On 32-bit Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol

On 64-bit Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pavucontrol lib32-libpulse

2. Then stop and start PulseAudio server with the following commands.

$ pulseaudio -k
$ pulseaudio --start

3. Now install old Skype package from official Arch repository in order to pull out all the dependencies required to run smooth.

$ sudo pacman -S skype

Install Old Skype in Arch

4. Now to upgrade your software to the last version, go to official Skype web page using followiing link and download Dynamic package and extract it.

$ cd Downloads
$ tar xjv skype-
$ cd skype-

Download and Install Latest Skype

5. Don’t leave the folder and use the following commands to upgrade Skype to latest version 4.3 from sources.
$ sudo cp -r avatars/*  /usr/share/skype/
$ sudo cp -r lang/*  /usr/share/skype/
$ sudo cp -r sounds/*  /usr/share/skype/
$ sudo cp skype  /usr/bin/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/skype

6. Now reboot your system and open Skype and you should see the last version running on your Arch Linux.

Skype 4.3 Login Screen
About Skype 4.3

7. To revert changes to official Arch repository Skype run the following commands.
$ sudo pacman -R skype
$ sudo pacman -S skype

If you want to install Skype 4.3 on other Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSuse visit Skype official page and grab the binary especially build and packaged for those distributions by Skype developers.

Remediating an ESXi 5.x or 6.0 host fails with the error: The host returns esxupdate error code:15. The package manager transaction is not successful

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0

You cannot remediate an ESXi 5.x or 6.0 host using vCenter Update Manager.
Remediating ESXi 5.x or 6.0 hosts fails.
A package is to be updated on the host, particularly when VMware_locker_tools-light* is corrupt.

You see the error:

error code:15. The package manager transaction is not successful. Check the Update Manager log files and esxupdate log files for more details.

This issue occurs if the package files for floppies in the /locker/packages/Version/ folder is corrupt or full.

For example:
    In ESXi 5.0 systems – /locker/packages/5.0.0/
    In ESXi 5.1 systems – /locker/packages/5.1.0/
    In ESXi 5.5 systems – /locker/packages/5.5.0/
    In ESXi 6.0 systems – /locker/packages/6.0.0/


To resolve this issue, recreate the/locker/packages/version/ folder, where version is:
    ESXi 5.0 – /locker/packages/5.0.0/
    ESXi 5.1 – /locker/packages/5.1.0/
    ESXi 5.5 – /locker/packages/5.5.0/
    ESXi 6.0 – /locker/packages/6.0.0/

To verify the store folders contents and symbolic link:

 Connect to the ESXi host using an SSH session.
Check for information in the /store folder by running this command:
    ls /store

 This folder must contain packages and var folder.
 Run this command to verify that the symbolic link is valid:
    ls -l /

 The /store folder should be linked to /locker and appear as:
    locker  -> /store

 If that link is not displayed, run this command to add the symbolic link:
    ln -s /store /locker

To recreate the/locker/packages/version/ folder:
    Put the host in the maintenance mode.
    Navigate to the /locker/packages/version/ folder on the host.
    Rename /locker/packages/version/ folder to /locker/packages/version.old.
    Remediate the host using Update Manager.

The /locker/packages/version/ folder is recreated and the remediation should now be successful.

Note: Verify if you can change to the other folders in /locker/packages/version/. If not, rename all the three folders including floppies.

An alternative resolution for ESXi:
    Put the host in the maintenance mode.
    Navigate to the /locker/packages/version/ folder on the host.

Rename the folder to:
    /locker/packages/ version.old

Run this command as the root user to recreate the folder:
 mkdir / locker/packages/ version/

For example:

 In ESXi 5.0:
    mkdir / locker/packages/5.0.0/

In ESXi 5.1:
    mkdir / locker/packages/5.1.0/

In ESXi 5.5:
mkdir / locker/packages/5.5.0/

In ESXi 6.0:
 mkdir / locker/packages/6.0.0/

 Use WinSCP to copy the folders and files from the / locker/packages/ version/ directory on a working host to the affected host.

If the preceding methods do not resolve the issue:

 Verify and ensure that there is sufficient free space on root folder by running this command
    vdf -h

Check the locker location by running this command:
    ls -ltr /

 If the locker is not pointing to a datastore:
Rename the old locker file by running this command:
    mv /locker /locker.old

Recreate the symbolic link by running this command:
    ln -s /store /locker

Why VM creation in KVM is failing with error: libvirtError: Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer on Red Hat Enterprise Liunx 6.5?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 0

    While creating/ starting VM, getting below error:

Unable to complete install: 'Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 44, in cb_wrapper
    callback(asyncjob, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 1928, in do_install
    guest.start_install(False, meter=meter)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/virtinst/", line 1229, in start_install
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/virtinst/", line 1297, in _create_guest
    dom = self.conn.createLinux(start_xml or final_xml, 0)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/", line 2686, in createLinux
    if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateLinux() failed', conn=self)
libvirtError: Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer


    Add Display/ video drivers spice, virtio, qxl in the VM configuration.
    Set loopback address eth-lo to up.

Root Cause

    Display hardware virtio, spice, qxl were not enabled or added in VM configuration.
    Loopback interface eth-lo was down to make localhost connection.

User execution of su fails with error "bash: /bin/su: Permission denied"

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

    After updating the system, no one (including root) can use su without getting bash: /bin/su: Permission denied errors, but ssh and terminal logins work as normal. SELinux is disabled and no new log entries are generated in /var/log/secure or /var/log/messages when root tries to run /bin/su, which has appropriate permissions, file size, and md5sum. The /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/pam.d/system-auth, and /etc/pam.d/su files have all been replaced with default versions and still the problem remains.


    [root@localhost ~]# ls -l /bin/su
    -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 28336 May 11  2011 /bin/su
    [root@localhost ~]# /bin/su -
    bash: /bin/su: Permission denied
    [root@localhost ~]# strace -tvfs 2048 -o su_strace_root.log su -lc exit
    strace: exec: Permission denied
    <truncacted strace output:>
    28530 15:17:38 execve("/bin/su", ["su", "-lc", "exit"], ... "_=/usr/bin/strace"]) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

The one customer that reported this issue eventually resolved it by realizing that the system had a 3rd-party LDAP application installed that was no longer being used but which hadn't been permanently disabled and was therefore initialized after the reboot. Customer quote:

    Issue was basically with an LDAP client called TAMOS running on the system was causing this authorization issues.
    I hit that because after reboot all the disabled TAMOS processes started and not allowing us to authorize to su -.
    Now TAMOS is been uninstalled from the system and we are good now.

If seeing a similar problem, this particular cause could be confirmed or ruled out by checking if the kail kernel module is loaded or if there are TAMOS log entries on the system.


$ lsmod | grep kail
kail                  124328  1 kaznmod,[permanent]

$ egrep 'TAMOS|kail' /var/log/dmesg
kail: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.
kail: no version magic, tainting kernel.
TAMOS: INFO kail_init_module kernel module initializing
TAMOS INFO: kail_kernel.c: init_module OK:  Perm2rw
TAMOS: INFO kail_kernel kailPerm2rw 
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 0
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 1
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 0
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 1
TAMOS INFO: nct_async.c  TRACE_AREXIT enabled
TAMOS INFO: nct_asyncInit pre: FFFFFFFF88512A50:FFFFFFFF88512A68:FFFFFFFF88512A60
TAMOS INFO nct_init.. scanning procs
TAMOS INFO: nct_init LSM enabled
TAMOS INFO: ignoring NR call index: 1000  at kail index: 3
kail_kernel kailPerm2ro
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 0
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 1
TAMOS INFO:kail_kernel perm2ro done: 0
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 0
 kail_kernel change_perm loop: 1
TAMOS INFO:kail_kernel perm2ro done: 0
TAMOS INFO: setting up as a security module
TAMOS INFO: nct_arThread entering base counter local: 0: FFFF810234A75DEC global: 0: FFFFFFFF88512A48
TAMOS INFO: nct_arThread entering base counter local: 0: FFFF810234A73DEC global: 1000: FFFFFFFF88512A48
TAMOS INFO: nct_arThread entering base counter local: 0: FFFF810234A71DEC global: 2000: FFFFFFFF88512A48
TAMOS INFO: nct_arThread entering base counter local: 0: FFFF810234A6FDEC global: 3000: FFFFFFFF88512A48
TAMOS INFO: kaznmod successfully inserted (30:(10:0) of 6) as a security framework and overlaying.
TAMOS INFO: Initialization complete

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Collecting diagnostic information using the vm-support command in VMware ESX/ESXi

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 0

VMware Technical Support routinely requests the diagnostic information from you when a support request is addressed. This diagnostic information contains product specific logs and configuration files from the host on which the product is running. This information is gathered using a specific script or tool within the product.

This article provides procedures for obtaining diagnostic information for a VMware ESXi/ESX host using the vm-support command line utility.
The diagnostic information obtained by using this article is uploaded to VMware Technical Support. To uniquely identify your information, use the Support Request (SR) number you receive when you create the new SR.


The command-line vm-support utility is present on all versions of VMware ESXi/ESX, though some of the options available with the utility differ among versions.

Running vm-support in a console session on ESXi/ESX hosts

The traditional way of using the vm-support command-line utility produces a gzipped tarball (.tgz file) locally on the host. The resulting file can be copied off the host using FTP, SCP, or another method.

    Open a console to the ESX or ESXi host.
    Run the command:


    Note: Additional options can be specified to customize the log bundle collection. Use the vm-support -h command for a list of options available on a given version of ESXi/ESX.
    A compressed bundle of logs is produced and stored in a file with a .tgz extension in one of these locations:

        The current working directory
        To export the log bundle to a shared vmfs datastore, use this command:

        vm-support -f -w /vmfs/volumes/DATASTORE_NAME

    Note: The -f option is not available in ESXi 5.x, ESXi/ESX 4.1 Update 3, and later.
    The log bundle is collected and downloaded to a client, upload the logs to the SFTP/FTP site.

Streaming vm-support output from an ESXi 5.x and 6.0 host

Starting with ESXi 5.0, the vm-support command-line utility supports streaming content to the standard output. This allows to send the content over an SSH connection without saving anything locally on the ESXi host.

    Enable SSH access to the ESXi shell.
    Using a Linux or Posix client, such as the vSphere Management Assistant appliance, log in to the ESXi host and run the vm-support command with the streaming option enabled, specifying a new local file. A compressed bundle of logs is produced on the client at the specified location. For example:

    ssh root@ESXHostnameOrIPAddress vm-support -s > vm-support-Hostname.tgz

    Note: This requires you to enter a password for the root account, and cannot be used with lockdown mode.
    You can also direct the support log bundle to a desired datastore location using the same command (mentioning the destination path). For example:

    ssh root@ESXHostnameOrIPAddress 'vm-support -s > /vmfs/volumes/datastorexxx/vm-support-Hostname.tgz'
    After the log bundle has been collected and downloaded to a client, upload the logs to the SFTP/FTP site.

HTTP-based download of vm-support output from an ESXi 5.x and 6.0 host

Starting with ESXi 5.0, the vm-support command-line utility can be invoked via HTTP. This allows you to download content using a web browser or a command line tool like wget or curl.

 Using any HTTP client, download the resource from:

 For example, download the resource using the wget utility on a Linux or other Posix client, such as the vSphere Management Assistant appliance. A compressed bundle of logs is produced on the client at the specified location:

    After the log bundle is collected and downloaded to a client, upload the logs to the SFTP/FTP site.

An ESXi 5.x host running on HP server fails with a purple diagnostic screen and the error: hpsa_update_scsi_devices or detect_controller_lockup_thread

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 0
 Whenever you find below Symptoms

    Cannot run the host on Hewlett Packard (HP) hardware
    Running the host on HP hardware fails with a purple diagnostic screen
    You see the error:

    Your host fails with a purple diagnostic screen and you see the error:

    Panic: 892: Saved backtrace: pcpu X TLB NMI
     PCPU X locked up. Failed to ack TLB invalidate (total of 1 locked up, PCPU9s): X)
    Before host becomes unresponsive, in the /var/log/vmkernel.log file, you see entries similar to:

    WARNING: LinDMA: Linux_DMACheckConstraints:149: Cannot map machine address = 0xfffffffffff, length = 49160 for device 0000:03:00.0; reason = buffer straddles device dma boundary (0xffffffff)WARNING: Heap: 4089: Heap_Align(vmklnx_hpsa, 32768/32768 bytes, 8 align) failed.  caller: 0x41802dcb1f91cpu4:1696102)<4>hpsa 0000:09:00.0: out of memory in adjust_hpsa_scsi_table
    Before you see a purple diagnostic screen, in the /var/log/vmkernel.log file, you see entries similar to:

    Note: These are multiple memory error messages from the hpsa driver.

    out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    WARNING: Heap: 3622: Heap vmklnx_hpsa (39113576/39121768): Maximum allowed growth (8192) too small for size (20480)
    cpu7:1727675)<4>hpsa 0000:06:00.0: out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    cpu2:1727677)<4>hpsa 0000:0c:00.0: out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    cpu4:1727676)<4>hpsa 0000:09:00.0: out of memory at vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/hpsa/hpsa.c:3562
    cpu3:1727738)WARNING: LinDMA: dma_alloc_coherent:726: Out of memory
    cpu3:1727738)<3>hpsa 0000:06:00.0: cmd_special_alloc returned NULL!

Resolution should be

This is a known issue affecting VMware ESXi 5.x.

To resolve this issue, apply the updated driver supplied by HP. Always check the HCL to determine the latest available driver update.

Note: For all BL685c G7 blades and DL360p Gen8 servers, HP recommends to update to ESXi 5.5 update1 to the June 2014 version. For more information, see

The reasons for the recommendation are:

    Fix for smx-provider memory leak issue is resolved.
    Several issues for the hpsa driver are resolved in the .60 version found in new June 2014 version of ESXi 5.5 update1. The previous version of the hpsa driver was .50 and was problematic.

For the DL360p Gen8 servers, the iLO firmware need to be checked. If the iLO Firmware is not at 1.51, it is recommended to update the Firmware on all servers to 1.51. This is a critical update to avoid NMI events which would cause PSOD in your environment.

It is also recommended to check the DL360p Gen8 servers to make sure that they are at least at Feb 2014 system ROM. This is to correct a possible IPMI issue.

If this issue persists after the driver upgrade:

    Open a HP Support Request, reference HP case 4648045806.
    If this issue persists, open a support request with VMware Support.
    Provide VMware support your HP case number.