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Monday, December 25, 2017

Screen command in Linux

Screen command in Linux

       screen - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

Screen  is  a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes. When screen is called, it creates a single window with a shell in it (or the specified command) and then gets out of your way so that you can  use the  program  as  you  normally  would.  Then,  at any time, you can create new (full-screen) windows with other programs in them (including more shells), kill existing windows, view a list of windows, turn output logging on and off, copy-and-paste text between windows, view  the  scrollback history,  switch  between  windows in whatever manner you wish, etc. All windows run their programs completely independent of each other. Programs continue to run when their window is currently not visible and even when the whole screen session is detached from the user’s  terminal.   When  a program  terminates,  screen  (per default) kills the window that contained it.  If this window was in the foreground, the display switches to the previous window; if none are left, screen exits.


  -h  num - Specifies the history scrollback buffer to be num lines high.
  -t  name - sets the title for the default shell or specified program. 
  -S  sessionname  -  When  creating  a  new  session,  this  option can be used to specify a meaningful name for the session. This name identifies the session for
            "screen -list" and "screen -r" actions. It substitutes the default [] suffix.

Prints a list of screen session
#screen -ls
There is a screen on:
        27137.pts-1.testserver       (Attached)
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-root.

Detach the screen session
#screen -D 27137.pts-1.testserver
[27137.pts-1.testserver power detached.]

Attach the screen session
#screen -r 27137.pts-1.testserver

Please check man screen page for more options.

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